About us
About Medi-Cine?
‘Live surgery you can afford’ is our motto.
We believe in service and value for money.
No better moment than somebody from the
audience that thanks us for a job well done.
For the quality of the footage of the live surgery,
for the sound in the meeting room or the clear
two-way-communication between the operating
surgeon and the lecture room… A sincere thanks
from the organizer… Or grateful thanks from the
surgeon who felt that his demo was a success…
That’s what we are striving for at affordable prices.
Building relationships
This video was made by a colleague during a two-day medical conference in Verviers (Belgium).
The technical AV-support both in the meeting room of the hotel as in the Mobile Lab were done by Medi-Cine.
Our services
Live surgery
Learn from top professionals. See how
they work and watch these top doctors
demonstrating different tools, techniques
and procedures. Empower surgeons and
other medical professionals to learn and
grow with real cases from an OR or wetlab.
Live stream
We can stream our multicams live over
the internet using You Tube or Vimeo…
But also using WebEx, Zoom or MS Teams…
It’s a two-way stream right from the OR to
your laptop, iPhone or iPad wherever
you are. Ask our low budget solutions.
Live on tape
We record the surgeries live in the OR
and re-edit the raw footage to a snackable
videobite. Highlight the latest techniques,
tools or procedures just in a couple of minutes.
An easy-to-use-video as keynote speaker
in your next presentation or online assistance.
Medical video
Give your public and employees the right
tools. Learn patients how to use a medicine,
help medical staff to refresh a topic or
communicate with your target audience on
social media. Sharing knowledge and taking
care reflects positively on your image.
About Marc
I started my career in AV in 1991 as a sound engineer
doing news, sports & documentaries for a commercial
television station in Belgium.
Later, I worked for several production companies, mainly
doing corporate communication in different functions.
Some examples: cameraman, shader, journalist, director
for multicams, editor in chief… As chief editor, I managed
for more than 3 years a team of 30 employees: 4 camera-
crews, 6 photographers, 8 journalists, graphic artists,
video technicians…
It was fun, but I missed the creative process.
I never left my desk anymore. So I returned to
my passions: filming, writing and directing